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Well, you’ve come to the right place! I’ve had my Etsy shop open for over 5 years now and by far, the most frequently asked question people have, is how to download files from Etsy that they just purchased. How To Add Zip Folders To Your Etsy Instant DownloadsSubscribe to me on YouTube I'm confused about why Etsy uses 20mb as the cap for uploading files for "instant download." I've been on plenty of free sites that have a maximum size of a gigabyte or more. Etsy makes real money from digital downloads, so they should be able to afford that file space.

There is a link provided in your account for downloads. So you want to know how to download files from Etsy? Well, you’ve come to the right place! I’ve had my Etsy shop open for over 5 years now and by far, the most frequently asked question people have, is how to download files from Etsy that they just purchased. How To Add Zip Folders To Your Etsy Instant DownloadsSubscribe to me on YouTube I'm confused about why Etsy uses 20mb as the cap for uploading files for "instant download." I've been on plenty of free sites that have a maximum size of a gigabyte or more.